
We are M and E Michael Cronnolly. We make flutes that have a great reputation around the world. They are talked about on all wood flute sites, and any M and E Flute that appears on eBay is always purchased. If you buy one of my flutes and are not happy with it, you can return it and get your money back. I have never had a flute returned because people recommend my flutes to others.
Our standard instrument is a keyless Irish Flute in D key, machined out of black polymer rod. We have a few variations. We keep a few polymer D-flutes with keyless available for orders. Other variations are usually made to order. Prices and other ordering details are available on our order form. Michael can be contacted directly to order wood or keyed Flutes.

Our flutes feature a brass tuning slide that is corrosion resistant and durable between the head section and barrel. The tuning slide tubes are positioned inside both the head and the barrel sections. This construction results in a very robust and smooth-operating tuning mechanism.

Our flutes have conical bores (as opposed to cylindrical bores), which makes them very strong in lower ranges. The end cap can be removed to allow the cork to be adjusted in the head section for excellent tuning and strength throughout the range of the flute. The polymers in M and E Flutes do not shrink, swell or warp over time or with moisture. The socket-and tenon joints that connect the flute sections don’t require any sealants, such as cork or twine.

Key of Eb and Flutes
We also make Eb and F flutes. They have the same structure, but the right-hand section and the foot section are combined (total 5 sections). These flutes have tuning slides as well. These flutes, although not in the “standard key” of D (for Irish traditional music), are lighter and have smaller fingerspacings than their larger counterpart. Some flute players prefer these keys to certain tunes.

Keyed Flutes
Only advanced players should use keys. We no longer retrofit keys to keyless flutes.

We appreciate your consideration. We do our best to ensure that our flute players can recommend our instruments to others. We are confident that you will be grateful to us for this policy in the future.

Wood Flutes
There are also keyless rosewood flutes available in D. These flutes are not recommended to players who live in climates with large temperature and humidity fluctuations, or for players who have no experience caring for wooden instruments.

Soft cases are perfect for flutes without keys. These water-resistant cases, sewn by Evelyn Cronnolly specifically for M and E Flutes have pockets that separate the sections of the flute when it is disassembled. The flap folds over the open end of the case and seals it with a velcro band.